How Many People Have Died Bungee Jumping?

How many people have died bungee jumping? Many people have died, but the odds are still low.

Bungee jumping is a popular activity for thrill-seekers looking to get their adrenaline pumping while also getting an incredible view of the area they’re in. 

However, it may be surprising to some that many people have died during bungee jumping accidents-even though there are safety precautions put in place before going out on a jump and plenty of ways for beginner jumpers to feel comfortable.

The probability of death is one in 500,000 jumps-far less than some other activities like rock climbing. 

This article will go over what bungee jumping entails, how many people have died bungee jumping, and why it might not be as risky as you think!

What is Bungee Jumping?

Bungee jumping is a recreational activity where people jump from high locations with a rubber rope tied around their ankles. When they fall, the rope can stretch as much as 23 feet to absorb shock and bring them back up before releasing, causing them to swing underneath the initial platform. In the case of a crane, this allows them to jump from over water.

What is Bungee Jumping?

Even though many people have died during bungee jumping accidents, there are different risks involved than what people may think. Bungee companies go through rigorous training procedures, such as having employees first test out their own equipment for safety reasons. 

They also make sure that each jumper’s harness fits properly before allowing them to jump. If the harness is too loose, there’s a chance that it could slip off and cause serious damage. The rope also has to be strong enough to sustain someone’s weight as they fall, which can even lead people to have their necks broken if they land wrong!

Because of the risks involved with bungee jumping, many companies require you to sign an extensive waiver before doing so, which outlines activities they should not participate in due to the potential danger. 

This also gives them permission to take photos or videos during the activity and releases them from liability if something were to go wrong. Professionals check jumper equipment frequently before starting and stop immediately after for inspection as well. If there is anything wrong with the gear, it will not be used until replaced or repaired.

What Level of Experience Do You Need?

No experience is needed! For people wanting to jump for the first time, there are companies that provide harnesses and other equipment for them to use. There are also training videos available online where you can watch a step-by-step guide on how to properly do it. This allows you to gain the experience needed without putting yourself at risk of injury or death.

If you become nervous, some providers offer a tandem jump, where there is someone with you who has done it before for your first time. This helps keep you calm and makes sure that everything goes well for your peace of mind as well as theirs. 

You will also have a spotter watching from below in case anything were to go wrong so they can let them know quickly to stop everyone else from jumping.

What Is the Number of Fatalities from Bungee Jumping?

The world of adventure sports is full of dangers, and one that has its own strange flair is the sport of bungee jumping. While it may seem like a relatively tame activity, statistics show thatBetween 1986 and 2002, there were 18 bungee-jumping fatalities. 

Since 2015, 5 people have died while bungee jumping. According to bungee jumping death statistics, there is a 1 in 500,000 chance of dying while doing so. If you are considering doing a bungee jump, it is best to consider these statistics and understand the risks involved before doing so. 

Those who have never done a bungee jump before should avoid going from very high altitudes or jumping alone. This could be dangerous if something goes wrong.

Common Reasons For Bungee Jumping Accidents or Deaths

In some situations, accidents have occurred because of equipment malfunction. Not inspecting the equipment before using it, wearing a too loose harness, and even having your harness slip while you jump can lead to injury or death. 

Common Reasons For Bungee Jumping Accidents or Deaths

Though the risk is low, there have been cases where people had their necks broken from hitting the side of the platform or missing entirely.

The person jumping also plays a part in bungee jumping accidents. In some cases, individuals involved were under the influence of alcohol or drugs before going on a jump- this affects their judgment and reaction time while they are falling. 

People with heart conditions should also avoid bungee jumping since this could be fatal for them if they experience complications during a jump. If someone is pregnant, bungee jumping should be avoided because increased pressure on one’s body could cause them to go into labor.

Another thing that can go wrong is if jumpers try using more than one elastic cord at once. bungee cords stretch at different rates depending on how much weight is pulling on them and what material they’re made out of- which doesn’t always work well together. 

When you add one cord’s length onto another, you should make sure that they are properly secured together before going ahead with it so that they can use them safely. 

What is the Average Age Limit for Bungee Jumping?

Adults 18 and up are allowed to bungee jump, but some providers have age limits at 12 or 14. Those who are under 18 might not be able to go alone and should ask if their provider has a minimum age limit so they know what to expect.


If you are thinking about bungee jumping, it is crucial that you understand the risks involved and plan for any possible mishaps before going. 

Whether you have never done a jump before or are a professional, make sure to check your equipment before using it and ensure that someone will be there in case something goes wrong.

How many people have died bungee jumping remains relatively low. However, since this is an activity with very little risk, most places require you to sign a waiver form before giving approval on getting in the harness and allowing you to jump so make sure to look at one carefully if necessary.

Calvin Rivers

Hey, I’m Calvin Rivers, a climbing veteran with 10+ years on crags and walls around the world. I can’t wait for you to explore our site and fall in love with the outdoors just like I have.

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