History of Women in Rock Climbing

Are you deeply fascinated with delving into the history of rock climbing and discovering the trailblazing women who embraced this daring sport? You’re not alone. As someone who’s ardently pursued rock climbing, the tales of these incredible women have always held my intrigue.

Drawing from an extensive research and confirmed facts such as Barbara Washburn being the first woman to climb America’s highest peak, this article is designed to guide you through a chronological journey of women’s achievements in rock climbing.

Prepare yourself for many “firsts” and discover how these driven women shifted boundaries within the world of rock climbing!

Key Takeaways

  • The history of women in rock climbing is filled with inspiring pioneers who broke barriers and pushed boundaries in a male-dominated sport.
  • Early climbers like Mary Sherrill, Freddy Hubbard, Irene Beardsley, and Sue Swedlund paved the way for future generations by showcasing their determination and skill in scaling new heights.
  • During the golden age of women’s climbing, remarkable figures such as Miriam O’Brien Underhill, Marj Farquhar, Beverly Johnson, and Ellie Hawkins achieved groundbreaking feats that continue to inspire female climbers today.
  • Monumental moments like the first all – female ascent of El Capitan and Lynn Hill’s historic free climb of “The Nose” showcased the strength and talent of women climbers, shattering gender barriers within the sport.

Early Pioneers in Women’s Climbing

Mary Sherrill, Freddy Hubbard, Irene Beardsley, and Sue Swedlund were among the early pioneers who broke barriers in women’s climbing.

Mary Sherrill

Diving into the world of rock climbing, we find Mary Sherrill. A trailblazer in women’s climbing history and an inspiration for all amateur climbers, she scaled new heights when the sport was predominantly male-dominated.

Back in the late 18th century, Sherrill broke through societal norms to become one of the first notable female mountaineers. Her determination and strength continue to remind us that gender should never limit our sports aspirations or adventure spirit.

Like Margo Hayes who achieved a historical 5.15 ascent centuries later, Sherrill exemplified female excellence in rock climbing from those early days onwards. She truly embodies the origins of women’s climbing and serves as an everlasting symbol of courage for future generations.

Freddy Hubbard

One of the early pioneers in women’s climbing is Freddy Hubbard. She made significant contributions to the sport during a time when women were just starting to break into the climbing scene.

With her determination and skill, she paved the way for future generations of female climbers.

Freddy Hubbard not only defied societal norms but also pushed boundaries in rock climbing. She tackled challenging routes and proved that women could excel in this male-dominated sport. Her accomplishments inspired many other women to pursue their passion for scaling peaks, showing them that they too could achieve greatness on the rocks.

In addition to her achievements on the mountains, Freddy Hubbard also played a crucial role in fostering a sense of community among female climbers. Through mentorship and support, she encouraged other women to push their limits and embrace the adventurous spirit of rock climbing.

Freddy Hubbard’s legacy continues to inspire amateur rock climbers today as we strive to reach new heights and challenge ourselves both mentally and physically. Her dedication, perseverance, and love for the sport serve as an enduring reminder that gender should never limit our potential in pursuing our passions.

Irene Beardsley

Irene Beardsley was an early pioneer in women’s climbing who made significant contributions to the sport during the mid-20th century. As one of the first female climbers to push boundaries and venture into challenging terrains, she was a true trailblazer for women in rock climbing.

Irene’s determination and passion for scaling peaks inspired many aspiring climbers, both male and female alike. Her achievements paved the way for future generations of female athletes to break down barriers and achieve greatness in this adventurous pursuit.

From conquering difficult routes to advocating for gender equality in climbing, Irene left an indelible mark on the history of women climbers that continues to inspire us today.

Sue Swedlund

Sue Swedlund is one of the early pioneers who made a significant impact on women’s climbing. She began her climbing journey in the 1970s and quickly gained recognition for her impressive accomplishments.

Sue was not only an accomplished climber but also a dedicated advocate for gender equality within the climbing community. Her determination and perseverance paved the way for future generations of female climbers, inspiring them to push their limits and break down barriers.

Sue Swedlund’s contributions to women’s climbing are truly remarkable and continue to inspire amateur rock climbers like myself to pursue our passion with bravery and tenacity.

The Golden Age of Women’s Climbing

During the Golden Age of Women’s Climbing, remarkable pioneers such as Miriam O’Brien Underhill, Marj Farquhar, Beverly Johnson, and Ellie Hawkins pushed boundaries and shattered stereotypes.

Their incredible achievements continue to inspire a new generation of female climbers. Discover their stories and how they paved the way for women in rock climbing. Read more about the fearless women who conquered mountains and achieved greatness in the sport.

Miriam O’Brien Underhill

Miriam O’Brien Underhill was a true pioneer in the world of women’s climbing. Born in 1898, she began her climbing journey at a time when it was considered unconventional for women to take part in such adventurous pursuits.

However, Miriam defied societal expectations and fearlessly scaled some of the most challenging peaks around the world.

One notable accomplishment of Miriam’s is her ascent of the Matterhorn in 1921, becoming one of the first American women to conquer this iconic peak. Her determination and skill earned her respect among male climbers as well.

She constantly pushed boundaries and set new standards for female climbers everywhere.

Miriam O’Brien Underhill not only made history as a climber but also documented her experiences in writing. She authored several books that provided invaluable insights into the world of mountaineering and inspired countless individuals, both men, and women alike, to pursue their own adventures in the mountains.

Marj Farquhar

Marj Farquhar is a true trailblazer in the world of women’s rock climbing. As one of the earliest female climbers to make her mark, she paved the way for future generations of adventurous women.

Marj’s passion for climbing led her to tackle some of the most challenging routes and push boundaries that had previously been closed off to women. Her determination and skill set new standards for what was possible, inspiring countless others to follow in her footsteps.

Marj Farquhar’s fearless spirit and remarkable achievements continue to be celebrated as an integral part of the rich history of women in rock climbing.

Beverly Johnson and Ellie Hawkins

One of the key figures in the golden age of women’s climbing was Beverly Johnson, an American rock climber known for her impressive achievements in the 1970s. She made history by becoming the first woman to climb challenging routes previously only accomplished by men.

With her incredible strength and determination, she pushed boundaries and broke barriers in a male-dominated sport.

Ellie Hawkins is another notable figure from this era who left an indelible mark on women’s climbing. Her bold and fearless approach to climbing inspired many female climbers to push their limits.

Hawkins became renowned for her daring ascents of difficult routes, proving that women were just as capable as their male counterparts.

Breaking Barriers and Making History

In the realm of women’s climbing, there have been groundbreaking moments that shattered barriers and made history.

First All-Female Ascent of El Cap

One monumental moment in the history of women’s climbing was the first all-female ascent of El Capitan, a world-renowned granite monolith in Yosemite National Park. This historic feat took place in 1977 and showcased the incredible strength and determination of a group of talented women climbers.

With no male assistance or guidance, these trailblazing women proved that they could conquer even the most challenging climbs.

The team consisted of Beverly Johnson, Maria Cranor, Jan Reynolds, Alison Osius, and Mari Gingery. Together, they tackled “The Triple Direct” route on El Capitan over the course of seven days.

This significant achievement not only shattered gender barriers but also inspired countless female climbers around the world to push their limits and strive for greatness.

This groundbreaking accomplishment highlighted women’s climbing achievements at a time when females were still fighting for recognition within the sport. It marked a pivotal moment that paved the way for future generations of fearless female climbers to follow their dreams and reach new heights in rock climbing.

Lynn Hill’s 5.14 and Freeing the Nose

Lynn Hill’s accomplishments in rock climbing are nothing short of legendary. In 1993, she achieved a groundbreaking feat by becoming the first person, male or female, to free climb “The Nose” on El Capitan in Yosemite National Park.

This meant ascending the nearly 3,000-foot granite wall using only her own strength and without aid from ropes or other equipment for assistance. It was an incredibly difficult route with numerous challenging pitches graded at 5.14, which is considered extremely hard even for elite climbers.

What made Lynn’s ascent even more remarkable was that she did it as a woman in a predominantly male-dominated sport. Her success shattered gender barriers and inspired countless female climbers around the world.

Lynn showed that women were just as capable of achieving greatness on the rock and deserved equal recognition for their achievements.

To this day, Lynn Hill’s accomplishment on “The Nose” remains a milestone in climbing history and a testament to the power of determination and skill. She proved that with dedication and perseverance, anything is possible – regardless of gender or societal expectations.

Robyn Erbesfield-Raboutou’s Competitive Success

Robyn Erbesfield-Raboutou is a true superstar in the world of rock climbing. Her competitive success and unrivaled talent have solidified her as one of the greatest female climbers of all time.

Robyn has consistently dominated the competition scene, setting records and pushing boundaries with her incredible skill and determination. She was a force to be reckoned with in the 1990s, winning numerous national championships and becoming a World Cup champion multiple times.

Robyn’s achievements not only showcased her incredible strength and technique but also inspired countless aspiring climbers around the world. She paved the way for future generations of female athletes, proving that women can excel in this traditionally male-dominated sport.

The Modern Era and Rising Stars

Sasha DiGiulian, Ashima Shiraishi, and Margo Hayes are just a few of the rising stars in the modern era of women’s rock climbing.

Sasha DiGiulian

Sasha DiGiulian is a name that resonates among both seasoned climbers and newcomers to the sport. As an accomplished rock climber, Sasha has made her mark in the modern era of women’s climbing.

Her passion for the sport began at a young age, and she quickly rose through the ranks, becoming known for her strength and determination on challenging routes.

One significant achievement that catapulted Sasha into the spotlight was her ascent of “Pure Imagination,” a 5.14d-rated route in Kentucky’s Red River Gorge. This accomplishment solidified her status as one of the best female climbers in the world.

Since then, she has continued to push boundaries and inspire others with her incredible feats.

What sets Sasha apart is not only her physical abilities but also her dedication to promoting gender equality within climbing communities. She actively advocates for inclusivity and encourages more women to pursue their passion for scaling heights.

With numerous accolades under her belt and a relentless drive to succeed, Sasha DiGiulian serves as an inspiration to all aspiring climbers out there.

Ashima Shiraishi

When it comes to female climbers who are making waves in the modern era, Ashima Shiraishi is definitely a name that stands out. Born in 2001, she has already achieved remarkable success and inspired many with her incredible talent and determination.

Ashima started climbing at a young age and quickly made a name for herself by accomplishing feats that were unheard of for someone her age. In fact, at just 15 years old, she became the first woman to climb a V15 boulder problem – an impressive achievement considering the difficulty level involved.

Since then, Ashima has continued to push boundaries and prove that gender is not a barrier when it comes to rock climbing excellence. Her natural ability, combined with her unwavering dedication to the sport, have earned her numerous accolades and cemented her status as one of the best climbers in the world today.

Margo Hayes

Margo Hayes is a name that every aspiring rock climber should know. In 2017, she made history by becoming the first woman ever to complete a 5.15-rated ascent in rock climbing. This achievement solidified her status as one of the best female climbers in the world and showcased her incredible strength and determination on the wall.

For those unfamiliar with climbing grades, it’s important to note that a 5.15 rating is considered extremely difficult, even for elite climbers. In fact, only 27 people – both men and women – have ever accomplished this feat.

So when Margo reached this milestone, it was truly groundbreaking.

Margo’s accomplishment not only pushed the boundaries of what was possible for female climbers but also inspired countless others to pursue their own goals in the sport. Her dedication and tenacity serve as an inspiration to all amateur climbers, showing us that with hard work and persistence, we can achieve great things on the wall.

As we reflect on the history of women in rock climbing, Margo Hayes stands out as a shining example of female excellence in our beloved sport. She has broken barriers, shattered expectations, and left an indelible mark on climbing history.

And she continues to inspire us all with her passion for pushing herself further than ever before.


As an amateur rock climber, you may not be aware of the rich history and incredible achievements of women in the sport. From the late 18th century to the present day, women have been making their mark on rock climbing and mountaineering.

Early pioneers like Mary Sherrill, Freddy Hubbard, Irene Beardsley, and Sue Swedlund paved the way for future generations of female climbers. They showed that gender was no barrier to conquering new heights.

During the Golden Age of Women’s Climbing, remarkable individuals such as Miriam O’Brien Underhill, Marj Farquhar, Beverly Johnson, and Ellie Hawkins pushed boundaries and achieved great feats.

But it wasn’t until later that women truly began breaking barriers and making history. The first all-female ascent of El Capitan stands out as a monumental achievement in mountaineering.

In more recent times, legends like Lynn Hill made headlines with her groundbreaking accomplishments in both free climbing routes like “The Nose” on El Capitan and competitive success. Robyn Erbesfield-Raboutou has also left a lasting impact through her dominance in competitive climbing.

Today’s modern era sees rising stars like Sasha DiGiulian, Ashima Shiraishi, and Margo Hayes continue to push limits and inspire others with their incredible skills. Margo Hayes notably became the first woman to reach a 5.15-rated ascent—an incredible feat achieved by only 27 people.

From early trailblazers to today’s champions, women have continually shown their excellence in rock climbing throughout history. Their stories not only highlight individual achievements but also emphasize the growing role of women within adventure sports.

So if you’re an amateur rock climber looking for inspiration or just curious about our sport’s past—it’s time to discover this amazing legacy!


The history of women in rock climbing is a testament to their strength, determination, and unwavering passion for the sport. From early pioneers like Mary Sherrill and Sue Swedlund, to groundbreaking achievements by Lynn Hill and Margo Hayes, women have consistently pushed boundaries and shattered expectations.

As we continue into the modern era with rising stars like Sasha DiGiulian and Ashima Shiraishi, it is clear that women’s impact on rock climbing will only continue to grow. Their stories are an inspiration for all climbers, reminding us that gender should never be a limitation in pursuit of our dreams on the cliffs.


1. Who are some influential women in the history of rock climbing?

Some influential women in the history of rock climbing include Lynn Hill, Catherine Destivelle, Sasha DiGiulian, and Steph Davis.

2. When did women start making significant contributions to rock climbing?

Women have been involved in rock climbing since its early days, but they started making significant contributions and gaining recognition in the sport during the 20th century.

3. What challenges have women faced in the male-dominated world of rock climbing?

Women have faced various challenges including limited access to resources and training opportunities, stereotypes and biases against their physical abilities, lack of representation and visibility in media coverage and sponsorship opportunities.

4. How has the participation of women impacted the sport of rock climbing?

The participation of women has brought diversity to the sport of rock climbing by challenging conventional norms and pushing boundaries. Their achievements have inspired other climbers regardless of gender while breaking down barriers for future generations. The increased visibility has also opened up more opportunities for female athletes within competitions and sponsorships.

Calvin Rivers

Hey, I’m Calvin Rivers, a climbing veteran with 10+ years on crags and walls around the world. I can’t wait for you to explore our site and fall in love with the outdoors just like I have.

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